Koutetsu Sangokushi

Koutetsu Sangokushi
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Originální název: Koutetsu Sangokushi
Název ve znacích: 鋼鉄三国志
Rok vydání: 2007
Vysíláno: 06.04.2007 - 28.09.2007
Typ zpracování: TV Série
Počet epizod: 25
Země původu: Japonsko
Studio: Picture Magic
Rating: PG-13
Oblíbenost dle pohlaví:
muži / ženy
Čas trvání anime: 10 hodin 25 minut
Čas na epizodu: 0 hodin 25 minut
Počet zobrazení: 417 x
Boj s meči
Shounen Ai

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Pořadí Název epizody Doba
1.Koumei who Stands in Opposition, the Freeing of Rikuson the Crimson at Koutou25 min
2.Rikuson at a Loss, his Discovery of Sonken in Go`s Capital25 min
3.Assemble at Koutou`s lands, young patriots25 min
4.The one-eyed hero entrusts Ryoutou with the principles of a warrior25 min
5.A grieving Ryoutou roars in agony as he hunts down a bitter enemy25 min
6.In his sorrow, Kannei of Suzu shoots an arrow into the battlefield25 min
7.A bewildered Rikuson sees the light in a reunion with his teacher25 min
8.Shokatsuryou Koumei inspires Sonken of Go with his idea25 min
9.The young warriors assemble at Koutou`s hills and rivers for training25 min
10.Sou Moutoku pushes a red wall, drawing near Son Go25 min
11.Go`s Six Steeds cause the dawn over Choukou to gleam red25 min
12.Ingenuity and cunning, the sound of the ominous flute reverberates across the lake shore25 min
13.Bi Shuurou stands upon the battlefield to guide Rikuson25 min
14.The wail of Son Go wavers from repose offered by the Six Steeds25 min
15.Gloomy Rikuson vows to recover with Sonken`s smile25 min
16.Kan`u`s roar strikes Rikuson which forces him to hold determination25 min
17.reunion at the thatched hut, the deep connection between masted and disciple, wedged together in Ekishuu25 min
18.The sworn brothers of the peach garden see the flower of ties in the fields and mountains of Shoku25 min
19.Courageous Taishiji stands tall on the earth of the Central Plains25 min
20.Amou of Go rises from obscurity by using his young wisdom25 min
21.Kouryou`s setting sun seiyes a warrior`s soul25 min
22.Ryuubi goes insane and becomes a frozen shadow, wandering in Koutou25 min
23.Son Chuubou, in the snowfield, follows Rikuson to escape from his homeland25 min
24.Ryuubi`s weeping gives a new light to the field25 min
25.Riku Hakugen dances on Gojougen where red stars are falling25 min
Special 1.Crimson Soul, Dispatch the Living Patriot25 min

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