Shounen Onmyouji

Shounen Onmyouji
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Originální název: Shounen Onmyouji
Název ve znacích: 少年陰陽師
Rok vydání: 2006 - 2007
Vysíláno: 04.10.2006 - 28.03.2007
Typ zpracování: TV Série
Počet epizod: 26
Země původu: Japonsko
Studio: Studio Deen
Rating: PG-13
Oblíbenost dle pohlaví:
muži / ženy
Čas trvání anime: 10 hodin 50 minut
Čas na epizodu: 0 hodin 25 minut
Počet zobrazení: 2168 x
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Pořadí Název epizody Doba
1.This Youth, Seimei`s Successor25 min
2.The Palace Burns at Twilight25 min
3.Listen to the Voice Afraid of the Dark25 min
4.Find the Foreign Shadow25 min
5.Repel the Raging Mysterious Occurrences25 min
6.Grab the Sign Emerging from the Darkness25 min
7.A Woman`s Desires Roped in from Beyond25 min
8.Stop the Resentment that Echoes Through Kifune25 min
9.Crush the Curse of Darkness!25 min
10.A Voice in Response to a Faint Wish25 min
11.Hold the Symbol of the Vow Close to Heart25 min
12.Penetrate the Mirror Cage25 min
13.The Catastrophic Song Brought by the Whirlwind25 min
14.It is Like the Full Moon to Wane25 min
15.Release the Catastrophic Chains!25 min
16.The Old Shadow Wanders in the Night25 min
17.Sleep Embraced by the Snow25 min
18.That Reason is Not Known by Anyone25 min
19.When the North Star is Clouded25 min
20.Chase the Wind that Invites the Underworld25 min
21.Let the Bonds Hold in the Fires of Sin25 min
22.Everything for the Priestess25 min
23.The Flame of Kagutsuchi Shines Majestically25 min
24.Winds of Twilight, Eyes of Daybreak25 min
25.A Dance of Junipers in a Whirl of Misfortune25 min
26.Sharpen the Sword of Flame25 min

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