BPS: Battle Programmer Shirase

BPS: Battle Programmer Shirase
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Originální název: BPS: Battle Programmer Shirase
Název ve znacích: bpS バトルプログラマーシラセ
Rok vydání: 2003 - 2004
Vysíláno: 04.10.2003 - 04.01.2004
Typ zpracování: TV Série
Počet epizod: 15
Země původu: Japonsko
Studio: AIC
Rating: PG-13
Oblíbenost dle pohlaví:
muži / ženy
Čas trvání anime: 3 hodiny 45 minut
Čas na epizodu: 0 hodin 15 minut
Počet zobrazení: 309 x
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Pořadí Název epizody Doba
1.Introducing BPS! I-Mode vs. Supercomputer. Also Introducing King of America. Part 115 min
2.Introducing BPS! I-Mode vs. Supercomputer. Also Introducing King of America. Part 215 min
3.Introducing BPS! I-Mode vs. Supercomputer. Also Introducing King of America. Part 315 min
4.Hot Air BPS! Seaside School in a School Swimsuit is Sweet Danger. Misao-chan`s Close Call! Part 115 min
5.Hot Air BPS! Seaside School in a School Swimsuit is Sweet Danger. Misao-chan`s Close Call! Part 215 min
6.Hot Air BPS! Seaside School in a School Swimsuit is Sweet Danger. Misao-chan`s Close Call! Part 315 min
7.Endangered BPS! Remarkable Girl Programmer is an Elementary-Schooler!? Part 115 min
8.Endangered BPS! Remarkable Girl Programmer is an Elementary-Schooler!? Part 215 min
9.Endangered BPS! Remarkable Girl Programmer is an Elementary-Schooler!? Part 315 min
10.Retiring? BPS! The Counterpart at the `All is Vanity` Marriage Interview is Sae-sensei. Part 115 min
11.Retiring? BPS! The Counterpart at the `All is Vanity` Marriage Interview is Sae-sensei. Part 215 min
12.Retiring? BPS! The Counterpart at the `All is Vanity` Marriage Interview is Sae-sensei. Part 315 min
13.Infatuated BPS! Female Spy`s Sweet Trap. Good Day, Departure, Kidnapping, Confinement! Part 115 min
14.Infatuated BPS! Female Spy`s Sweet Trap. Good Day, Departure, Kidnapping, Confinement. Part 215 min
15.Infatuated BPS! Female Spy`s Sweet Trap. Good Day, Departure, Kidnapping, Confinement. Part 315 min

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