Fushigiboshi no Futago Hime

Fushigiboshi no Futago Hime
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Originální název: Fushigiboshi no Futago Hime
Název ve znacích: ふしぎ星の☆ふたご姫
Rok vydání: 2005 - 2006
Vysíláno: 02.04.2005 - 25.03.2006
Typ zpracování: TV Série
Počet epizod: 51
Studio: Hal Film Maker
Oblíbenost dle pohlaví:
muži / ženy
Čas trvání anime: 21 hodin 15 minut
Čas na epizodu: 0 hodin 25 minut
Počet zobrazení: 275 x

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Pořadí Název epizody Doba
1.An Extraordinary Smile - The Twin Princesses25 min
2.The Flame Kingdom - Prominence On An Empty Stomach25 min
3.Dragon Extermination - Is That Impossible?25 min
4.Wonderful Decor - Let`s Do Our Best25 min
5.We`ll Win This Time - Princess Party25 min
6.We Want to Know Fortune-Telling - The Secret of the Eclipse25 min
7.Won`t Return to the Castle! - Diggin` Deeper Rabi~Rabi~25 min
8.The Most Gorgeous Wins - Battle of Jewellery25 min
9.Jewel Kingdom - Let`s Go to the City of Toys25 min
10.Making Sweets - Princess Party25 min
11.Serious Training - Become a More Wonderful Princess25 min
12.Seed Kingdom - It`s Hard to Be Tiny25 min
13.Scary Forest - A Little Blushing Experience25 min
14.Poomo`s Training - Argument Between the Twins25 min
15.Moon Kingdom - The Mysterious Invitation25 min
16.Milky in Big Trouble - The True Identity of Eclipse25 min
17.Athletes, Be Passionate! - Princess Party25 min
18.Windmill Kingdom vs. Jewelry Kingdom - Balloon Battle25 min
19.Waterdrop Kingdom - Mirlo Will Marry?25 min
20.Shooting Stars in the Sea - Another Country That No One Knows About25 min
21.The Haunted House - Screamed Prominence25 min
22.Haughty Altezza - We`re In a Pinch, I Hate It25 min
23.Seeds of Destiny - The Princesses Are Good Friends?!25 min
24.Windmill Kingdom - Don`t Take Our Luches25 min
25.Surprised by Locusts - Princess Party25 min
26.Oh My God - We Can`t Prominence25 min
27.Dark Poomo - Fortune Princesses25 min
28.Fortune Princesses at Last - This Sounds Awesome25 min
29.Cheer Up - Altezza25 min
30.Waterdrop Kingdom - Fake Twin Princesses?!25 min
31.The Treasure Map - Dig, Dig, and Dig Some More25 min
32.Do Your Best, Tio - Flame Samba Festival25 min
33.Bumo Bumo Boomo - Pumo Pumo Poomo25 min
34.Shine! Rainbow Springs - Mirlo`s Wish25 min
35.Close Call - Princess Summit25 min
36.Dark Bright - Stormy Princess Party25 min
37.Find the Seven Treasures - The Secret of the Grace Stones25 min
38.The Secret of the Valley of the Winds: Sophie`s Treasure25 min
39.Pearl-chan`s Wish - The Christmas Miracles25 min
40.This Year`s First Laugh - Flame Variety Show25 min
41.Hyperactive Baby: Parenting Diary25 min
42.Get a Full Moon Herb - Save Moon Malia!25 min
43.The Miraculous Circus - Fly, Nacchi!25 min
44.Aim for Victory - Shall We Dance?25 min
45.The Final Party - Who Will Win?!25 min
46.To Go? Or Not to Go? - Invitation from Bright25 min
47.Turning Point - Prince of Darkness25 min
48.The Final Treasure - Boomo in Love?!25 min
49.May Our Hearts - Reach Bright!25 min
50.Out of Control! The Black Crystal25 min
51.The Final Prominence - Princesses Never Give Up25 min

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