Kashi no Ki Mokku

Kashi no Ki Mokku
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Originální název: Kashi no Ki Mokku
Název ve znacích: 樫の木モック
Název anglicky: Pinocchio: The Series
Rok vydání: 1972
Vysíláno: 04.01.1972 - 26.12.1972
Typ zpracování: TV Série
Počet epizod: 52
Oblíbenost dle pohlaví:
muži / ženy
Čas trvání anime: 21 hodin 40 minut
Čas na epizodu: 0 hodin 25 minut
Počet zobrazení: 2622 x

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Pořadí Název epizody Doba
1.The Puppet is Alive!25 min
2.I Don`t Wan`t to be a Puppet25 min
3.Mind Your Father!25 min
4.Who Can I Trust?25 min
5.What is a Heart?25 min
6.Devil living in my mind (1/2)25 min
7.Devil living in my mind (2/2)25 min
8.A bad fairy is calling25 min
9.I`m a pitiful devil man25 min
10.When my nose gets longer25 min
11.I want to know motherly love25 min
12.I won`t be tricked any more25 min
13.I`ve got dreams too25 min
14.My oak tree is still there25 min
15.Tree limbs are alive too25 min
16.Please teach me, monkey25 min
17.My hopes are flying away25 min
18.Dolls are special too25 min
19.Don`t lose! The magic violin (1/2)25 min
20.Don`t lose! The magic violin (2/2)25 min
21.The treasure I found25 min
22.Goodbye, professor Sadness25 min
23.Let`s grow a money tree25 min
24.The dream that disappeared with the mermaids (1/2)25 min
25.The dream that disappeared with the mermaids (2/2)25 min
26.Don`t die, grandpa25 min
27.Thank you for giving my heart wings25 min
28.My legs are growing roots!25 min
29.Stand in front of the mountain bandits!25 min
30.I`m not a pierrot!25 min
31.Escape towards freedom25 min
32.Farewell ship bound for the dark continent25 min
33.Toys get mad too!25 min
34.I`m Mokku, God`s child!25 min
35.Monster forever protecting the grave25 min
36.My magic is bravery and wisdom25 min
37.Throw your bad dreams away in the desert!25 min
38.I`m sick of the circus25 min
39.Fly away, bubble! To my old home25 min
40.Trounce the fire-eating circus master25 min
41.Stand up, genie of the great tree25 min
42.Goodbye, bad fairy25 min
43.Break out of the fortress of death25 min
44.Burn me!25 min
45.Snow woman, rest in peace25 min
46.Chase off the bounty hunters25 min
47.All trees are my friends25 min
48.Confront the anger of the sea devil25 min
49.The island of hell is dead25 min
50.Come back to life, island of hell25 min
51.Eve`s bell of sadness rings25 min
52.Dream upon a shining star25 min

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Anime Zpracování Rok Vztah
Pinocchio yori Piccolino no Bouken
(ピノキオより ピコリーノの冒険)
TV Série1976 - 1977Alternativní příběh

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