Rekka no Honoo

Rekka no Honoo
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Originální název: Rekka no Honoo
Název ve znacích: 烈火の炎
Název anglicky: Flame of Recca
Rok vydání: 1997 - 1998
Vysíláno: 19.07.1997 - 10.07.1998
Typ zpracování: TV Série
Počet epizod: 42
Země původu: Japonsko
Studio: Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV
Rating: PG-13
Oblíbenost dle pohlaví:
muži / ženy
Čas trvání anime: 17 hodin 30 minut
Čas na epizodu: 0 hodin 25 minut
Počet zobrazení: 372 x
Alternativní současnost
Bojové umění
Podle mangy

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Pořadí Název epizody Doba
1.The Princess and the Ninja - Awakening of the Power!!25 min
2.Wind and Fire - A Dangerous Seduction!!25 min
3.The Water Swordsman - The Fang of Revenge!!25 min
4.Labyrinth of Mirrors - The Flame of Death!!25 min
5.The Shadow Ninja Clan - The Mystery of the Hokage!!25 min
6.Fearful Fire Sorcerer, Kurei!!25 min
7.Stone Guardian - The Game of Death!!25 min
8.The Room of Dolls - Fuko`s Desperate Struggle!!25 min
9.Demon Domon - His Unknown Power!!25 min
10.Clash of Flames - The Two Hokage!!25 min
11.The Five Fangs of Kogonank!!25 min
12.Kurenai the Flame - The Angel of Death!!25 min
13.The Ultimate Fire - The Legendary Dragon!!25 min
14.The Past Revived - The 400-Year-Old Truth!!25 min
15.The Curse of Time - Mother and Son!!25 min
16.Ready to Fight! Recca`s Challenge!!25 min
17.Underground Death Tournament! The Hokage Arrives!!25 min
18.Sword of Blood! - Tokiya in the Ring!!25 min
19.The Iron Fist Fails! Domon`s Trump Card!!25 min
20.Explosion! - The Secret of a Maiden`s Flower!!25 min
21.The Paper Dance: Coming to Life!!25 min
22.The Other Face - Transformation of the Saint!!25 min
23.The Life - Staking Test!!25 min
24.Beastly Roar - The Warrior from Hell!!25 min
25.Impact! - A Decisive Flash of Lightning!!25 min
26.Mokuren Resurrected: The Ire of the Human-faced Tree!!25 min
27.A Reason for Tears - The Young Girl with the Tangled Hair!!25 min
28.Scorching Glance!! - Setsuma`s Incineration!!25 min
29.Dangerous Lips: The Terror of the Kotodama!!25 min
30.Seduction of the Beauties: Double-play of Death!!25 min
31.Cursed Fire! - Kurenai`s Past!!25 min
32.Invisible Foe! - The Battle Against Fear!!25 min
33.Two Fire Dragons! - A Stolen Technique!!25 min
34.Fuko Fights! - A Thin Skin Covered with Wounds!!25 min
35.A Girl`s Prayer: The Awakening of the Fujin!!25 min
36.Fire Dragon Combo - The Opponent Beyond the Ring!!25 min
37.Escape from the Majigen - Battle in the Evil Dimension!!25 min
38.Terror! The Revived Body of the Dead!!25 min
39.Tokiya`s Death Match! - The Do-or-Die Ice-Crest Sword!!25 min
40.Evil Trap! - The Angry Fujin!!25 min
41.Second Reckoning! - Recca and Kurei!!25 min
42.Battle of Death! - Until Life is Burned Out!!25 min

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MAR HeavenMAR Heaven
TV Série2005 - 2007

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